If you play Candy Crush and think that it is the funnest game ever, then you have not played Marvel's Puzzle Quest Dark Reign. There is missions and versus mode. Special moves and combo's depending on who is on your team. Your team is made up of three characters and it can be a mix of super hero or super villain. This game has all of your favorite characters and then some. It also has different versions of your favorite characters from classic to modern and rarely seen versions of each character. Check out Hulk with his awesome technology underwear.

This game is free but if you want to advance faster than others and be a true fan you can spend money or be a hard core gamer and play it to its fullest free fun loving way. Here is where you can download it for each platform it is on and also check out more screen shots and cheack out the video.
Free on the App Store on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch and at www.itunes.com/appstore.
Free on the Google Play Store on your Android device and at https://play.google.com/store.
Free on the PC via Steam at http://store.steampowered.com/
